Abstract and case submission
Submission for CSI Frankfurt 2021 is now closed.
All accepted abstracts and cases will be presented as e-posters. In addition, a selection of unique and compelling abstracts/cases will be included in the main scientific program. Registration for presenting authors will be at a reduced price.
The scientific committee will review the cases and abstracts after the submission deadline, and you will receive an e-mail with further instructions.
Please note that CSI does not cover your travel and hotel expenses for the meeting.
Abstract submission guidelines
Please include the full names of all authors, institution, city, state, country in your submission, and state the name, address, phone/fax, and e-mail address of the corresponding author at the bottom of the page. Please also indicate the category for your abstract or case:
- Coarctation and ducts
- Pulmonary circulation
- Septal defects
- Valves
- Other
Please follow the guidelines below:
- The abstract should be less than 500 words in length and can be accompanied by 2 pictures (JPG, TIFF) or 2 moving images (MOV, MP4)
Be sure to include:
- Background
- Objective
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
Case submission guidelines
Cases may include reports of negotiation of complex anatomy, device-specific challenges or complication management on intervention. Please write the case history according to the following:
- Title
- History and physical
- Imaging
- Indication for intervention
- Intervention
- Learning points of the procedure
Please follow the guidelines below:
- The case should be less than 500 words in length and can be accompanied by 2 pictures (JPG, TIFF) or 2 moving images (MOV, MP4)
Be sure to include:
- Title
- History and physical
- Imaging
- Indication for intervention
- Learning points of the procedure