Friday, 10 February 2023 16:00 CET
Gareth Morgan, University of Colorado, Denver, USA
Alain Fraisse, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK
Q&A moderator:
John Thomson, Hopkins Children's Center Baltimore, Maryland, USA
PDA closure in premature babies: do we ever need to ligate a duct? >> Olivier Ghez
Have we overcome the problem of tricuspid valve damage in neonates? >> Gareth Morgan
PDA closure in 2-5 kg: preliminary results of a multi centre study >> Alban-Elouen Baruteau
How to deal with complications: embolisation, lpa stenosis, coarctation, vascular trauma… >> Brian Morray
PDA closure through jugular access: feasibility and results >> Charles Bautista
Closure of "monster PDA" in children and adults >> John Thomson
My most challenging case : very large tubular PDA in tga with nec closed with 8 mm AVP through the aorta >> Alain Fraisse
Use of the 5/7 PDA device to fill the gap in large " infantile PDA">> Alain Fraisse
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